
 – Жжение.

– Нездоровая жажда.

– Боль, колики, спазмы.

– Головокружение.

– Потемнение в глазах.

– Изжога от употребления острого, кислого, соленого, горячего (в первоисточнике здесь слово vidāha, которое помимо изжоги допускает и др. проявления высокой питты, такие как воспаление либо жжение).

– Тяга к холодному и освежающему (еде, напиткам, окружению и т.д.).

3.16.40 Aṣṭāṅgahṛdayasaṃhitā

liṅgaṃ pittāvṛte dāhastṛṣṇā śūlaṃ bhramastamaḥ||31||



3.16.41 Sarvāṅgasundarā

pittenāvṛte maruti dāhādikaṃ liṅgam| § 11763


AshtangaSangraham, Nidanasthana:

liṅgaṃ pittāvṛte dāhastṛṣṇā śūlaṃ bhramastamaḥ ||

  • 9132

kaṭukoṣṇāmlalavaṇairvidāhaḥ śītakamatā | § 9133 AS.ni.16.33

  • 6.28.61 karotyāvṛtamārgatvādrasādīṃścopaśoṣayet/
  • liṅgaṃ pittāvṛte dāhastṛṣṇā śūlaṃ &bhramastamaḥ//
  • 6.28.62 kaṭvamlalavaṇoṣṇaiśca vidāhaḥ śītakāmitā/

Posted by Dr.Vijay Hatankar, on Oct 6, 2011

Namaste sir,
With your kind permission, I will like to share my remarks on Avarana.
I tried to study Avarana while preparing my MD thesis. My thesis was titled as “Management of Hypertension with special ref. to Pittavrita Vata”.
For this I studied 64 patients clinically for 3 months follow up taking in consideration all the signs and symptoms given under pittavrita vata title alongwith all of signs and symptoms of pittavrita prana-udana-vyana-saman and apana.
Idea of selecting my thesis was based on observations made by me while observing patients of Hypertension at Tarachand Hospital which was further supported by accidental reading of Vd. Balraj Sahani’s (from BHU) handbook on pittavrita vata. I had used “DURALABHA FANT” as a single herbal Bhaishajya Preparition to study its effects on these patients with selection criteria of raised blood pressure over 160/100mm of Hg. My study was primarily aimed towards understanding the patients with sign of raised BP so as to understand them clinically in context of Ayurveda. This study has helped me a lot in my private clinical practice and still rewarding me to my satisfaction.
I will like to say that Avarana is a neglected subject by Ayurveda Teachers and researchers and hence by students. But we can see its presence in day to day practice. Understanding Avrita vata is very important for an Ayurveda Practitioner to be successful.
Sir I once again thank you for talking on this subject.

Лечение pittavrita vata

Сверил ЧС. 6.28.184-186 по нескольким переводам и работам:

– Чередуется охлаждающее и согревающее лечение. Ojha: Alternate sheeta & ushna. PDF: Treat with shitoshna upachara, changing repeatedly i.e. first ushna dana followed by sheetala, again followed by ushna, then by sheetala repeatedly.

– Также дается jeevaniya ghrita (ghee cooked by adding Jivaniya group of herbs which is very useful as explained in vatashonita chikitsa, milk boiled with panchamoola, balataila, yashthimadhu taila are helpful.)

– Diet: barley, the flesh of Jangala beasts and birds, Shali rice.

– He should be given:

  • Yapana Basti
  • Ksira Basti
  • purgation therapy
  • в качестве напитка – milk boiled by adding (кширапака, судя по всему) panchamula and bala (Sida cordifolia) or by adding plain cold water.

– Наконец, his body is sprinkled with the oil, ghee or milk boiled by adding the decoction of yastimadhu, bala (Sida cordifolia) or panchamula, or by adding by simple cold water. (именно этот абзац про эти составы стоит перепроверить, в одном из ПДФ было по-другому: про бала-тайлу, яштимадху-тайлу, про кипяченное с этими тайлами молоко.

Ca.6.28.184 pittāvṛte viśeṣeṇa śītāmuṣṇāṃ tathā kriyām/

vyatyāsāt kārayet sarpirjīvanīyaṃ ca śasyate//

Ca.6.28.185 dhanvamāṃsaṃ yavāḥ śāliryāpanāḥ kṣīrabastayaḥ/

virekaḥ kṣīrapānaṃ ca pañcamūlībalāśṛtam//

Ca.6.28.186 madhuyaṣṭibalātailaghṛtakṣīraiśca secanam/

pañcamūlakaṣāyeṇa kuryādvā śītabāriṇā//



ЧС. 6.28.188. In the condition of occlusion by both Kapha and Pitta, Pitta must first be subdued.

Еще уточнение из 189-194 (там речь идет как про питтавриту, так и капхавриту, вот почему здесь вдруг про капху пойдет, но про капху я ниже привожу исчерпывающе в капхаврите):


If Vata, in association with Pitta, pervades the entire body (including the stomach and colon), then also virechana is given.

If morbid Kapha is liquefied by the sudation and flows down and accumulates in the colon, or the symptoms of Pitta become manifest, both of these morbid elements should be eliminated by means of enemata.

Dr. Ojha: If by swedana kapha or the pitta reaches pakwashaya basti is to be adviced. (Др. источник: Vasti if kapha is dissolved due to swedana in pakvashaya or appearance of pitta feature).

If Vata is associated with Pitta, it should be eliminated by Niruha Basti mixed with milk. Then the patient should be given Anuvasana Basti prepared by boiling with the group of sweet herbs.

Dr. Ojha: Gomutra is added in basti if kapha is involved while kshirabasti is given if pitta is involved. (Др. источник: Hot gomutra yukta niruha eliminates vata 1st and kapha is got rid of simillarly. Milk containing niruha eliminates vata combined with pitta (madhura tail sidha anuvasan would be useful).


If after the elimination of Pitta and Kapha, the residual Vayu gets located in the channels of the chest (respiratory channels) then therapies prescribed for Vayu alone is administered.

Dr. Ojha: After the shamana of kapha and pitta vatahara chikitsa has to be followed. (Др. источник: If vitiated vata is found in respiratory passages even after eliminating kapha; than pure vatahar chikitsa is done.)



Prognosis of pitta and kapha avrita vata prakara

– Acharyas believe aavarana of prana and udana vayu by both kapha, pitta are a serious condition.

– Anabhisyandhi, snigdha and srota shodhaka dravyas should be selected.

– Yapana basti with madhur rasa pradhana dravyas

– Anuvasan basti

– If patient is balwan mrudu anuloman is useful

– Rasayana chikitsa to be followed

– Shilajeet and guggulu should be administered along with milk

– Chyavanprasa and abhayaamalaki rasayana should be given.

– If apana vayu does the avarana then dipana grahi, vatanulomaka and pakvashayashodhana dravyas should be selected.

– In avarana due to pitta, therapy which alleviates pitta but does not work against vayu should be given.

– If kapha does the avarana then therapies which reduce kapha and which do anuloma of vata should be selected.

Из статьи Гурдипа Сингха:

Principles of Treatment of Avarana

General management:

(a) General principles of Vataopakrama may be applied with due care of obstruction to Vata and Srotas by Pitta and Kapha (Charaka.Chi.28: 75,183).

(b) The Avarana should be treated by measures, which are Anabhishyandi (non-obstructive), Snigdha (unctuous) and Sroto-Shudhi Karaka (depurative of body channels) (Charaka Chi.28: 239).

(c) In case, Vata is obstructed at all the places (Sarva Sthana Avarate), prompt (Ashu) measures, which are regulative of Vata and at the same time not antagonistic to Pitta and Kapha are beneficial (Charaka Chi. 28:239).

(d) In the condition of Pittavrita Vata, the treatment of Pitta, which is not antagonistic to Vata should be prescribed.In the condition of Kaphavrita Vata, the treatment of Kapha, which is Anulomana to Vata should be prescribed (Charaka Chi. 28:245).

(e) A vitiated Dosha attains great strength in its natural functional seat, hence it should be first subdued by suitable medications such as emesis, purgation, enema and sudation (Charaka Chi. 28:198).

(f) Sodhana therapy: Depending on the strength of the patients, Madhura Anuvasana or Yapana Basti and Mridu Srimsana should be administered (Charaka.Chi.28: 240)

(g) Rasyana therapy: All the palliative and preventive Rasayana drugs are useful for the prevention and treatment of Avrita induced disorder’s. Especially Shilajitu, Guggulu, Chawanaprasha and Bramha Rasayana are indicated after proper Sodhana (Charaka Chi. 28: 241-242).

Specific management:

According to specific pathologies of Doshavarana, Dushyavarana, and Mishravarana treatment modalities varies For example, alternative administration of cold and hot therapeutics in case of Pittavrita Vata (Shitam Ushnam Tatha Kriyam Vyatyasat Karayat.Charaka.Chi.28: 184).


Kaphavrita vata

– Холод, зябкость.

– Тяжесть.

– Боль.

– Улучшение от употребления острого, кислого, соленого и горячего.

– Тяга к голоданию или облегченному питанию (laṅghana), упражнениям с нагрузкой (āyāsa), к сухому теплу (в еде, напитках, окружении и т.д.).

Ca.6.28.62 śaityagauravaśūlāni aṭvādyupaśayo+adhikam//

Ca.6.28.63 laṅghanāyāsarūkṣoṣṇakāmitā ca kaphāvṛte/

3.16.42 Aṣṭāṅgahṛdayasaṃhitā

śaityagauravaśūlāni kaṭvādyupaśayo+adhikam||32||

laṅghanāyāsarūkṣoṣṇakāmatā ca kaphāvṛte||33||

3.16.43 Sarvāṅgasundarā

kaphāvṛte vāyau śaityādikaṃ liṅgaṃ laṅghanādikāmatā ca|

AshtangaSangraham, Nidanasthana:

śaityagauravaśūlāni kaṭvādyupaśayo ‘dhikam ||

laṅghanāyāsarūkṣoṣṇakāmatā ca kaphāvṛte | AS.ni.16.34


Этому источнику м доверять: Kaphavrita Vyana, when examined, shows heaviness of the whole body (Sarvagatra gaurava), which is a Kapha symptom, and along with that, it also presents with loss of movements at various sites (cheshtahani), which is a Vyana-oriented symptom. Example: Restricted joint movements (Parvagraha), Abnormal gait (Skhalita Gati), etc.


Лечение kaphavrita vata


PDF: «Kaphaharа chikitsa (tiksha sweda, niruha vasti, vamana, virechana) is to be done followed by vatanulomana».


ЧС 6.28.187- ½ 188:

Diet: articles made of barley and the flesh of Jangala beasts and birds. (Здесь уже нет риса шали, как было в лечении питтаврита-ваты).

Strong Swedana (fomentation), Niruha Basti and Vamana as well as Virechana therapies.

Old ghee, sesame oil and mustard oil are useful in this condition (именно горчичное саршапа-тайла, а не рапсовое, как в одном из переводов почему-то).


ЧС. 6.28.188. In the condition of occlusion by both Kapha and Pitta, Pitta must first be subdued.

ЧС. 6.28.189- ½ 194:

If the aggravated Vata in association with Kapha gets located in amashaya (stomach) then the patient is given Vamana.


If they are located in the colon (pakwashaya sthita), then the patient is given virechana.

If morbid Kapha is liquefied by the sudation and flows down and accumulates in the colon, or the symptoms of Pitta become manifest, both of these morbid elements should be eliminated by means of enemata.


Dr. Ojha: If by swedana kapha or the pitta reaches pakwashaya basti is to be adviced. (Др. источник: Vasti if kapha is dissolved due to swedana in pakvashaya or appearance of pitta feature).

If Vata is associated with Kapha, then Niruha type of medicated enema mixed with cow’s urine is administered.


Dr. Ojha: Gomutra is added in basti if kapha is involved while kshirabasti is given if pitta is involved. (Др. источник: Hot gomutra yukta niruha eliminates vata 1st and kapha is got rid of similarly. Milk containing niruha eliminates vata combined with pitta (madhura tail sidha anuvasan would be useful).


If Vayu associated with Kapha gets located in the head, then the patient is given Dhuma (fumigation therapy) and inhalation therapies (inhalation and nasal medication should be given.)

Dr. Ojha: Dhumapana and nasya is advice if kapha takes ashraya in shira pradesha (Др. источник: если вата с капхой в голове).

Dr. Ojha: After the shamana of kapha and pitta vatahara chikitsa has to be followed. (Др. источник: If vitiated vata is found in respiratory passages even after eliminating kapha; than pure vatahar chikitsa is done.)


If after the elimination of Pitta and Kapha, the residual Vayu gets located in the channels of the chest (respiratory channels) then therapies prescribed for Vayu alone is administered.


Хорошее лекарство: «Ashtavargam Kashayam for

its Vatakapha Shamana, Avarana Vatahara, Srotoshodana and Lekhana properties,»




– Сильная жгучая боль между кожей и мышцами.

– Отек с покраснением (шопха)

– Розоватые волдыри* или округлые возвышающиеся пятна-припухлости на коже (mandalaani).

* Осторожно предположу, что у кого-то иногда они могут быть то белесыми, то розовыми, как при крапивнице у меня бывало. Красная сыпь тут тоже допустима, согласно некоторым переводам и доктору Оджха, упомянувшему васкулит, крапивницу и т.п.). И Рагхураму, который привел в пример рингворм – стригущий лишай:


Ca.6.28.63 raktāvṛte sadāhārtistvaḍmāṃsāntarajo bhṛśam//

Ca.6.28.64 bhavet sarāgaḥ śvayathurjāyante maṇḍalāni ca/


Mandalaani – elevated eruptions in circular shape on the skin

3.16.44 Aṣṭāṅgahṛdayasaṃhitā

raktāvṛte sadāhā+artistvaṅmāṃsāntarajā bhṛśam||33||

bhavecca rāgī śvayathurjāyante maṇḍalāni ca||34||§ 11768

3.16.45 Sarvāṅgasundarā

raktāvṛte pavane+artiḥ-pīḍā, bhṛśaṃ tvaṅmāṃsāntarajā

dāhayuktā syāt| rāgavāśca śvayathuḥ syāt| tathā, maṇḍ-

alāni ca jāyante| § 11769


Ashtanga-Sangraham, Nidana-sthana:

raktāvṛte sadāhārtistvaṅmāṃsāntarajā bhṛśam || § 9136

bhavecca rāgī śvayathurjāyante maṇḍalāni ca | § 9137 AS.ni.16.35


Лечение описано в ЧС 6.28.194:

If Vata is occluded in the blood, the line of treatment, should be the same as indicated in vata-rakta conditions. Ca.6.28.194 &saśeṣaḥ syāt kriyā tatra kāryā kevalavātikī/

śoṇitenāvṛte kuryādvātaśoṇitakīṃ kriyām//


Dr. Ojha: – We see vatarakta-like treatment in raktavritavata, wherein treatment is given to reduce the quantitative increase of rakta dhatu and also normalise the gati of vata dosha with the help of basti hence importance of basti chikitsa in vatarakta has been explained.

(Na Hi Bastisamam kinchit vataraktam chikitsitam)

C.Chi. 29/88





– ПЛОТНЫЕ бесцветные (по некоторым переводам, многоцветные, но это спорный перевод слова vivarṇāśca) волдыри либо припухлости или отеки (не исключено, что и гнойники, по некоторым переводам слова piḍaka, хотя в АХС уже по-другому: припухлости śopha и волдыри piṭakā (не piḍaka), а про это piṭakā уже лишь только волдыри в словаре без гнойников).

– Мурашки.

– Ощущение бегающих по коже муравьев [возможно, в виде покалываний, paresthesia].


kaṭhināśca vivarṇāśca piḍakāḥ śvayathustathā//

Ca.6.28.65 harṣaḥ pipīlikānāṃ ca saṃcāra iva māṃsage/

3.16.46 Aṣṭāṅgahṛdayasaṃhitā

māṃsena kaṭhinaḥ śopho vivarṇaḥ piṭikāstathā||34||

harṣaḥ pipīlikānāṃ ca sañcāra iva jāyate||35||§ 11771

3.16.47 Sarvāṅgasundarā

māṃsenāvṛte vāyau kaṭhino vivarṇaśca śophastathā piṭakāḥ

syuḥ, harṣeśca| tathā, pipīlikānāṃ gātreṣu sañcāra iva jāyate| § 11772

AshtangaSangraham, Nidanasthana:

māṃsena kaṭhinaḥ śopho vivarṇaḥ piṭakāstathā ||

harṣaḥ pipīlikānāṃ ca sañcāra iva jāyate | § 9139 AS.ni.16.36


In this instance patient is advised to go for Swedana (sudation), Abhyanga (oil massage).

Ingestion of meat soup, milk as food, Sneha (oleation therapy) are beneficial.

Swedana, abhyanga, mansarasa, kshira and sneha prayoga.

  1. If Vata is occluded in the flesh, swedana and abhyanga, meat-juices, milk and unctuous medications are recommended.

Ca.6.28.195 svedābhyaṅgarasakṣīrasnehā māṃsāvṛte hitāḥ//


Медавритавата (медасавритавата)

– Перемещающиеся, гладкие, мягкие и прохладные наощупь припухлости (липомы).

– Отвращение к еде, потеря аппетита.

This condition is known as adhyavata and is difficult to cure.

Ojha: “Mansa dhatu is formed when vayu, ambu, teja and rakta ushma together bring sthirata to the mansaposhakansa. Sthira, kathina are the gunas of mansa while lepana is the karma of mansa dhatu. Such mansa when opposes the gati of vata kathina pidaka and shotha is formed. Nodules and tumours are defined as the solid, raised and firm growth.


When ambu, snigdha guna along with the dhatushma acts on poshakansa a soft, snigdha meda dhatu is formed.


When such medadhatu will obstruct the gati of vata dosha it leads to origin of snigdha, mridu, ambulatory shotha. Lipoma bullae can be understood in context of medasavritavata.


Mansa medas avritavata may also be a complication of prameha since mansa and meda are the avaraka along with kapha and pitta to develop avritavata in basti and in turn leading to madhumeha as in C.Su.17. It indicates when mansa and meda become more vitiated and cause more kleda genesis or become kledanvita, they lead to different micro and macro angiopathy related complication. Meda-avrita vata can be compared with Diabetic nephropathy.

Pippilikanama cha sanchara are the abnormal sensory positive phenomenon or it may be the late complication of microangiopathy.”

Ca.6.28.65 calaḥ snigdho mṛduḥ śītaḥ śopho+aṅgeṣvarucistathā//

Ca.6.28.66 āḍhyavāta iti jñeyaḥ sa kṛcchro medasā āvṛtaḥ/


3.16.48 Aṣṭāṅgahṛdayasaṃhitā

calaḥ snigdho mṛduḥ śītaḥ śopho gātreṣvarocakaḥ||35||

āḍhyavāta iti jñeyaḥ sa kṛcchro medasā+aavṛte||36||§ 11774

3.16.49 Sarvāṅgasundarā

medasā āvṛte vāyāvaṅgeṣu śophaścalastathā snigdhastathā

śīto mṛduśca syāt tathā+arocakaḥ| saḥ-evaṃvidhaḥ,

āḍhyavāta iti vedyaḥ| sa ca kṛcchraḥ-kṛcchrasādhyaḥ|

Ashtanga-Sangraham, Nidana-sthana:

calaḥ snigdho mṛduḥ śītaḥ śopho gātreṣvarocakaḥ ||

āḍhyavāta iti jñeyaḥ sa kṛcchro medasāvṛte | § 9141 AS.ni.16.37



Pramehagna, medogna and vatahara chikitsa have been explained for amavritavata or for adhyavata. Thus avaraka and avrita both are being treated.

In AdhyaVata (Vata is enveloped by Meda/Fat, producing Adyavata/stiffness of the thighs) treatment prescribed for diabetes, obesity & Vata are best suited.

If Vata is associated with Ama (uncooked product of digestion and metabolism), then therapies prescribed for Prameha (obstinate urinary disorders including diabetes), Vatika disorders and adiposity are to be administered. [1/2 195]

Medavrita – prameha chikitsa, vata shamana measure along with medohar chikitsa is done (they mention 195)

Ca.6.28.195 pramehavātamedoghnī-&māmavāte prayojayet/




– Облегчение от прогревания и разминания.

– Раскалывающая боль («как будто раскалывается»).

– Слабость, вялость, депрессия. (sīdati допускает все три значения)

– Ощущение, словно колют иголками.


Ojha: “Due to external injury or due to pressure the asthi majja dhatu gets deranged leading to pain mainly at ashti parva or at the level of joints. The pain is continuous and it may later on show periarticular muscular atrophy as its late complication. It can be collectively understood under osteoarthritis where in focal loss of articular hyaline cartilage is seen with simultaneous proliferation of new bone with remodelling of joint contour. (sclerosis).

In asthyaavrita vata asthikshaya is observed (decrease bone density) increasing the symptoms of pain along with chances of fracture. Eka sthana vridhi anya sthana kshaya is other siddhanta which explains the concept of osteophytes. Osteophytes may compress the nerves root causing tingling or suchivata vedana (entrapment or compressive neuropathy).

In majjavrita vata the majja dhatu impedes the gati of vata (nerve conduction) leading to the symptoms like vinama; pain etc. Diffuse bulging of cord may be considered as well spinal canal stenosis.”


Some research: Central canal stenosis and carpal tunnel syndrome = Asthi Avrita Vata. Ojha: – Compressive Neuropathy or compressive myelopathy occurs in both asthi majjagata vata and astyavrita vata.


Ca.6.28.66 sparśamasthnā++āvṛte tūṣṇaṃ pīḍanaṃ cābhinandati//

Ca.6.28.67 saṃbhajyate sīdati ca sūcībhiriva tudyate/


3.16.50 Aṣṭāṅgahṛdayasaṃhitā

sparśamasthyāvṛte+atyuṣṇaṃ pīḍanaṃ cābhinandati||36||

sūcyeva tudyate+atyarthamaṅgaṃ sīdati śūlyate||37||

3.16.51 Sarvāṅgasundarā

asthyāvṛte samīraṇe sparśamatyuṣṇaṃ pīḍanaṃ cābhinandatiabhilaṣati|

tathā, aṅgamatiśayena sūcyeva tudyate| tathā, sīdati śūlyate ca|

Ashtanga-Sangraham, Nidana-sthana:

sparśamasthyāvṛte ‘tyuṣṇaṃ pīḍanaṃ cābhinandati ||

sūcyeva tudyate ‘tyarthamaṅgaṃ sīdati śūlyate | AS.ni.16.38


Лечение: 195½. If Vata is occluded in the osseous tissue or the marrow, the preparation of the tetrad of unctuous articles should be given. Mahasneha (combination of ghruta+ tail+ vasa+ majj) should be done.


In asthi majjagata vata bahya aabhyantarasnehana are the line of treatment so lubrication is maintained at the joint and results in prakritisthapana of vata.

Mahasneha prayoga has been explained in asthi majja avritavata.

Note that a common treatment is explained in both the avarana and gata vata clinically too we see that Compressive Neuropathy or compressive myelopathy occurs in both the condition.


Ca.6.28.196 mahāsneho+asthimajjasthe pūrvavadretasā++āvṛte/


129-132½. Take 64 tolas of the three myrobalans, 32 tolas of horsegram, 20 tolas each of the bark of drumstick and pigeon pea, 8 tolas each of Indian groundsel and white flowered leadwort and four tolas of each of the decaradices and decoct them in 1024 tolas of water till reduced to one fourth the quantity. Then add 64 tolas each of Sura wine, sour conjee, sour curds, Sauvira wine, Tushodaka wine, the decoction of small jujube, pomegranate, kokam butter, oil, fat, ghee, marrow, milk and 24 tolas of the paste of the life-promoter group of drugs, and prepare the Great Unctuous Preparation in due manner.

133-133½. This should be used as inunction in morbid Vata affecting the vessels, marrow and bones as well as in conditions of tremors, contractions and colic, and Vata disorders affecting the entire body or only a part of the body.



  1. Искривления. vināma

Kampavata PDF:

Vinamana i.e, bent body (stooped posture-spine bent)

and different parts of the body like extremities

(Anganam Vinamanam) is the feature of Majjavrita

Vata as explained in Ashtanga Hridaya. This explains

postural deformities of Parkinson’s disease.


Majjaavrita Vata: Vata Prakopa takes place in

Srotas after the formation of Sanga, as a result of

improper filling of Srotas. At this stage, when

Atura further takes Majjavaha Sroto Dushtikara

Nidana like Abhishyandi, Viruddha Ahara and Aaghata or Pidana of Asthi it leads to the

Majjavaha Srotas Dushti and Majja Dhatu Dushti.

Dushit Majja Dhatu does Avarana over

aggravated Vata and produces Majjavrita Vata


In Majjavrita Vata, Acharya Charaka[17] has mentioned

the Lakshanas like Vinam, Pariveshthana and Shoola

which are also present in case of Parkinson’s disease.

  1. jṛmbhaṇa

2.1. зевота

2.2. раскрытие расширением зева (у цветка, потягивание у человека)

2.3. разрастание, расширение, разбухание, когда нечто занимает новые площади, расширяясь


Доктор Оджха: – Diffuse bulging of cord may be considered as well spinal canal stenosis.

Из другого: выпирающий разбухший межпозвоночный диск. You may see the words Diffuse Cervical Bulge or Diffuse Disc Bulge on the MRI report. This is a general term describing a bulging disc in the neck (the technical name is the cervical spine) or a bulging disc within the spine (L-4 for example).


См. на рисунке bulging disc, и остеофиты тоже зияют зевом.

  1. pariveṣṭana обвить, замотать, тело словно покрыто чем-то стягивающим.

Два источника считают, что и здесь боль – опоясывающая. Третий – twisting pain. Мезенцев: онемение тела и его частей («отсидел ногу»). Подходит под 3-5.

  1. Боль, колики (щула). [Кто-то писал, что маджаврита-вата совпадает по проявлениям с маджагата-ватой, в случае которой 33. If the Vata located in the bone and bone-marrow gets provoked, there occur breaking pain in the fat, bones and joints, arthralgia, loss of flesh and strength, loss of sleep and constant pain.]
  2. Облегчение болей при разминании больного места.

Ca.6.28.67 majjāvṛte &vināmaḥ syājjṛmbhaṇaṃ pariveṣṭanam//

Ca.6.28.68 śūlaṃ tu pīḍyamāne ca pāṇibhyāṃ labhate sukham/


3.16.52 Aṣṭāṅgahṛdayasaṃhitā

majjāvṛte vinamanaṃ jṛmbhaṇaṃ pariveṣṭanam||37||

śūlaṃ ca pīḍyamānena pāṇibhyāṃ labhate sukham||38||§ 11780

3.16.53 Sarvāṅgasundarā

majjāvṛte samīre vinamanādikaṃ syāt| vinamanaṃ-aṅgānām|

tathā, pāṇibhyāṃ pīḍyamānena ca-prakṛtatvādaṅgena, sukhaṃ

labhate| § 11781

Ashtanga-Sangraham, Nidana-sthana:

majjāvṛte vinamanaṃ jṛmbhaṇaṃ pariveṣṭanam ||

śūlaṃ ca pīḍyamāne ca pāṇibhyāṃ labhate sukham | AS.ni.16.39



195½. If Vata is occluded in the osseous tissue or the marrow, the preparation of the tetrad of unctuous articles should be given. Mahasneha (combination of ghruta+ tail+ vasa+ majj) should be done. Mahasneha расписана подробнее в предыдущем.

Ca.6.28.196 mahāsneho+asthimajjasthe pūrvavadretasā++āvṛte/

Из др. источника: Adhyasthi (fusion/ankylosis/osteophyte formation) is the manifestation of Asthi pradoshaja vikara (diseases of bones) and vinamata (deformity such as kyphosis) is the manifestation of Majjavrita vata. Snehana (oleation), swedana (sudation) and panchakarma procedures like enema with bitter ghee are indicated in bone pathology. Mahasneha расписана подробнее в предыдущем.




Семяизвержение либо не происходит, либо происходит преждевременно (и с чрезмерным напором, силой, как кто-то перевел). Либо семя бесплодное.

śukrāvego+ativego vā niṣphalatvaṃ ca śukrage//

3.16.54 Aṣṭāṅgahṛdayasaṃhitā

śukrāvṛte+ativego vā na vā niṣphalatā+api vā||38||§ 11782

3.16.55 Sarvāṅgasundarā

śukrāvṛte prabhañjane+ativego vā-prakṛtatvācchukrasya,

na vā vego niṣphalatā vā syāt| § 11783

AshtangaSangraham, Nidanasthana:

śukrāvṛte ‘tivego vā na vā niṣphalatāpi vā ||



In shukragata vata shukra are formed but either the count is less or there is some anomaly with its structure. Hence along with early ejaculation there is also abnormality in the foetus. Anomalies caused by extra sex chromosomes or less sex chromosomes can be included under this group (Aneploidy or polyploidy).

In shukragata vata sperms are formed but the count may be reduced in viral Orchitis, TB, STD, Chemotherapy, Ionizing radiation and drugs in which testesterone levels remain normal. It may cause premature or delayed ejaculations and also may cause abnormality in the foetus.

In shukravrita vata immature sperms are formed which loose their forward movement activity. Ciliary dyskinesia (kartagener syndrome) can be included in this group. Since motility is reduced it leads to infertility. Y chromosomes microdeletions and POLG variants are increasingly recognised as a cause of azoospermia or oligospermia. Primary gonadal deficiency with low-testesterone and decreased spermatogenesis are the reason for infertility.

Patients with normal hormonal levels and low sperm count may be found in obstructive anomaly of vas deferens and epididymus.



Harsha and annapana responsible to increase bala of shukra is given. Virechana is advice if the marga is obstructed followed by above treatment.

In shukravrita vata too virechana has been explained followed by shukra bala vridhikara ahara and aushadha.


Другие источники:

In this condition Praharsha (great pleasure vis a vis sexual intercourse) & food which increase Strength & semen are beneficial.

Virechana (purgation) should be given first followed by the regimen of diet; after these the treatment mentioned above should be administered.

«Virechana, then shukra vardhana and agni dipana”.



Annavrita Vata


Боль в животе, возникающая после принятия пищи и стихающая после того, как пища переварится.

Ca.6.28.69 bhukte kukṣau ca rugjīrṇe śāmyatyannāvṛte+anile/

3.16.56 Aṣṭāṅgahṛdayasaṃhitā

bhukte kukṣau rujā jīrṇe

śāmyatyannāvṛte+anile||39||§ 11784

3.16.57 Сарвангасундара

annāvṛte vāte bhukte sati rujā kukṣau bhavati| jīrṇe+anne

sati rujā śāmyati|§ 11785

Ashtanga-Sangraham, Nidana-sthana:

bhukte kukṣau rujā jīrṇe śāmyatyannāvṛte ‘nile | § 9147 AS.ni.16.40


Ca.6.28.196 annāvṛte &tadullekhaḥ pācanaṃ dīpanaṃ laghu//



Ahara when taken in excess the prokinetic movement is reduced and the ahara is not propelled forward leading to strech reflex. The pain of obstruction of hollow abdominal viscere is classically described as intermittent food related abdominal pain followed by remission is seen.



Vamana, deepana, pachana and laghu bhojana are the line of treatment.

Vamana causes gastric emptying thus avaraka is removed and with deepana, pachana aushadhi digestive capacity as well as vata gati is maintained.

Laghu bhojana is an important pathya which is followed in annavritavata





Растяжение мочевого пузыря вследствие задержки мочи.

Ca.6.28.69 mūtrāpravṛttirādhmānaṃ bastau mūtrāvṛte+anile//

3.16.58 Aṣṭāṅgahṛdayasaṃhitā

mūtrāpravṛttirādhmānaṃ bastermūtrāvṛte

bhavet||39||§ 11786

3.16.59 Sarvāṅgasundarā

mūtrāvṛte vāyau mūtrasyāpravṛttirādhmānaṃ ca basteḥ

syāt| § 11787

Ashtanga-Sangraham, Nidana-sthana:

mūtrāpravṛttirādhmānaṃ bastermūtrāvṛte bhavet ||

If occluded by urine, diuretics, sudation and urethral douches Uttara Basti are recommended.

Ca.6.28.197 mūtralāni tu mūtreṇa svedāḥ sottarabastayaḥ/


Multiple sclerosis = Mutravrita Apana and Kaphavrita Apana


Normal urine formation takes place but the patient does not evacuate it timely leads to the avarodha of vata gati. Vata is unable to contract the detrusor muscle thus there is mutra apravritati and inturn bladder distension. This condition may also arise in neurogenic bladder.

Atonic bladder – Micturition reflex contraction cannot occur if the sensory nerve fibres from the bladder to the spinal cord are destroyed, thereby preventing transmission of strech signals from the bladder. When this happens, a person loses bladder control, despite intact efferent fibers from the cord to the bladder and despite intact neurogenic connections within the brain. Instead of emptying periodically the bladder fills to capacity and overflows a few drops at a time through the urethra. This is called overflow incontinence. Crush injury is the common cause.


Swedana between bladder and nabhi pradesha alongwith uttarbasti



Malavrita Vata


– Полный запор с резкими болями в месте нахождения кала (в прямой кишке и, по некоторым источникам, нижней части кишечника, толстом кишечнике).

– Любой принимаемый внутрь жир очень быстро переваривается.

– Вздутие живота от приема пищи. Под давлением этой [не до конца усвоенной, по Рагхураму] пищи кишечник все же очищается, но с задержкой, через излишне продолжительное время, и кал выходит с трудом и очень сухой.

Ca.6.28.70 varcaso+ativibandho+adhaḥ sve sthāne parikṛntati/

vrajatyāśu jarāṃ sneho bhukte cānahyate naraḥ//

Ca.6.28.71 cirāt pīḍitamannena duḥkhaṃ śuṣkaṃ śakṛt sṛjet/


3.16.60 Aṣṭāṅgahṛdayasaṃhitā

viḍāvṛte vibandho+adhaḥ svasthāne parikṛntati||40||

vrajatyāśu jarāṃ sneho bhukte cānahyate naraḥ||40||

śakṛtpīḍitamannena duḥkhaṃ śuṣkaṃ cirātsṛjet||41||§ 11790

3.16.61 Sarvāṅgasundarā

viḍāvṛte mātariśvani svasthāne-apānākhye, adhovibandho

jātavibandhatvāt parikṛntati| snehaśrcāśu jarāṃ yāti| bhukte

ca sati nara ānahyate-ādhmāpyate| śakṛdannena pīḍitaṃ cireṇa śuṣkaṃ duḥkhaṃ kṛcchreṇa sṛjet|

Ashtanga-Sangraham, Nidana-sthana:

viḍāvṛte vibandho ‘dhaḥ sve sthāne parikṛntati || AS.ni.16.41

vrajatyāśu jarāṃ sneho bhukte cānahyate naraḥ | AS.ni.16.42

śakṛtpīḍitamannena duḥkhaṃ śuṣkaṃ cirātsṛjet ||


Drinking of Eranda taila, Vasti (enema) & fats (medicated oil or ghee) which produce purgation are best in this instance.

Castor oil and unctuous therapy, as indicated in misperistalsis (Udavarta – upward movement of wind in the abdomen – vide Chikitsa 26: 11-44), are beneficial.

Ca.6.28.197 śakṛtā tailamairaṇḍaṃ snigdhodāvartavatkriyā//



Dietary fibres adsorb water and this increases the bulk of stools and helps reducing the tendency to constipation by encouraging bowel propulsive movements. Diet low in fibres content reduces the healthy bowel movements. Stools are formed but due to slow transit there is hard and pelty stool formation which finds it difficult to pass out.

Malavega dharana may also cause the above symptoms. In Diabetes mellitus whenever there is neurogenic involvement, peristalsis are reduced creating the above symptom. Spastic colon may also be considered.




Udavartanashaka Chikitsa

Treatment is given first to soften the stools and increase the intestinal motility so painless anuloman takes place.


Sarvadhatvavrita Vata


При подавлении вата-доши сразу всеми тканями возникает боль в бедрах, паху и в спине.

Вата поднимается вверх (vilomascha maruta).

Нездоровые ощущения в области сердца (asvastham hrdayam).

Согласно A.H.Ni.14/51 шрони-рука и приштха-рука (а здесь именно шрони-ванкшана-приштха-рука – боль в бедрах, паху и в спине) является признаком именно Sarvadhatu Avrita Vata, а не пуришаврита-ваты из предыдущих стихов. Которую переводчик Хеббара склеил с этим стихом в своем переводе EasyAyurveda/2016/01/03/charaka-vatavyadhi-chikitsa-28/

И еще одно подтверждение этому из моего файла avarana-1.pdf:


Sarvadhatvavrita Vata: When Vata is obstructed by all the Dathu (Tissues), there is pain in the pelvis, groin & back; it begins to move in wrong direction, causes ill health & severe pain in the heart.52


The treatments which are not opposed to Kapha & Pitta (KaphaPittaaviruddham) & which are Vatanulomana are beneficial in this condition. Yapana Vasti prepared from sweet drugs accompanied with Anuvasana is useful. In strong patient mild laxative (Mrudu Virechanam) is also beneficial. Administration of all types of rejuvenating recipes, Shilajitu & Guggulu along with milk is useful. Internal administration of Chyavanprasha is also beneficial.53


Ca.6.28.71 śroṇīvaṃkṣaṇapṛṣṭheṣu rugvilomaśca mārutaḥ//

Ca.6.28.72 asvasthaṃ hṛdayaṃ caiva varcasā tvāvṛte+anile/


3.16.62 Aṣṭāṅgahṛdayasaṃhitā

sarvadhātvāvṛte vāyau śroṇivaṅkṣaṇapṛṣṭharuk||41||

vilomo māruto+asvasthaṃ hṛdayaṃ pīḍyate+ati ca||42||

3.16.63 Sarvāṅgasundarā

sarvadhātvāvṛte+anile śroṇyādiruk syāt| tathā, pavano viguṇo

bhavati| hṛdayaṃ ca vyākulaṃ [ati] pīḍyate ca|

Ashtanga-Sangraham, Nidana-sthana:

sarvadhātvāvṛte vāyau śroṇivaṅkṣaṇapṛṣṭharuk | AS.ni.16.43

vilomo māruto ‘svāsthyaṃ hṛdayaṃ pīḍyate ‘tica ||



Pranavrita Vyana


– Ощущение «пустоты» во всех органах чувств. Sarva indriyaanaam shoonyatvam (утрата моторных и сенсорных функций)

– Ухудшение памяти. Smruti kshaya

– Упадок сил. Bala kshaya


Доктор Оджха поясняет:

Prana vayu acts like a controller. It is responsible for the aadana karma. Gyanendriya perceive their objects with the help of pranvayu.

Vyana vayu is responsible for gati or conduction. Hence vyana vayu plays a significant role in rasavikshepana. Conduction is not only related to cardiac cycle but all types of neural conduction should be considered.

Whenever the controller prana will restrict the gati of conducting vyana vayu the indriya will not be able to perceive its vishaya. It may happen in one indriya (homonymous) or in all indriya (heteronymous) together. If it happens in all indriya it can be compared with the vegetative stage or deep coma.

Rasarakta vikshepana is karma of vyana vayu. In case of eye; vascular disease related to retina / optic disc causes visual loss.

Alzheimers Disease may also be considered. Macroscopically, the brain is atrophic, particularly the cerebral cortex and hippocampus. Many different neurotransmitter abnormalities have been described in particularly impairment of cholinergic transmission through noradrenaline, 5 H-T, glutamate and substance P is also involved. Inability to retrieve information (smriti kshaya) is the symptom. Later apraxia, visuo spatial impairment and aphasia is seen.

Из ПДФ: Axonopathy = Pranavrita Vyana.


The treatment is as indicated in diseases occurring in the parts above the supraclavicular region of the body.

Urdhwa jatrugata chikitsa, i.e. the treatments done for head and neck like Nasya (nasal medication) etc should be conducted.

Гурдип Сингх: Nasya, Shirobasti, Shirodhara etc


Vyanavrita Prana

– Чрезмерное потоотделение (Ati sveda).

– Мурашки (Loma harsha) horripilation

– Кожные заболевания, буквально «кожная доша» – twak dosha

– Онемение частей тела (Supta gatrata).

[203-203½. 203 ½- ½ 204]

Ca.6.28.203 vyāne prāṇāvṛte liṅgaṃ karma tatrordhvajatrukam/

svedo+atyarthaṃ lomaharṣastvagdoṣaḥ suptagātratā//



Sweda sravan is normal karma of vyana vayu thus whenever vyana gets vitiated it causes sweda atipravriti. It explains sympathetic overactivity or cholinergic effect. This may happen in anticholinergic side effects seen in poisoning. Sweat glands secrete large quantities of sweat when sympathetic nerves get stimulated. Visha is one of the hetu of vyana prakopa.

Perception is the function of prana vayu when it gets avrita its perception function is reduced. It is negative sensory feeling caused in disorders like diabetes mellitus

Excessive sweating may cause twakvikara due to dehydration.



Sneha yukta virechana (purgation given with unctuous medicines or with purgatives prepared in oil or ghee base). Sneha helps to reduce vyana and virechana helps in bringing anuloma gati to prana vayu.


Vyanavrita udana

В переводах ЧС не нашел.

Но где-то нашел: Severe grade of Cerebral atrophy = Vyanavrita Udana

В др. источнике:

Vyanavrita  Udana  Vata: Balakshaya  /  General weakness, Vakpravruttisanga, Alasyam, Smrutihani /  Dementia.

Доктор Оджха:

Vyana is associated with gati and prakshepana while udana is associated with bala prayatna & urja. Vikrut vyana has impaired gati which when impedes udana will reduce the bala, prayatna adi karma of udana.

Sympathetic fibres originate in the hypothalamus, pass down the brain stem and cervical spinal cord to emerge at T1, return back up to the eye in association with the internal carotid artery and supply the dilator pupillae. Lesion in the sympathetic pathway cause Horner’s syndrome. The reason may be central (at the level of Hypothalamus / brain stem) or at the periphery (at the level of lung apex, carotid artery) or may be idiopathic.

Vyana avrita udana can also be considered in paroxysmal tachycardia. Abnormalities in different portions of the heart including the atria, the Purkinje system, or the ventricles, can occasionally cause rapid rhythmical discharge of impulses that spread in directions throughout the heart. This is believed to be caused most frequently by re-entrant circus movement feedback pathways that set up local repeated self re-excitation.

The above process occurs unless considerable ischemic damage and may lead to ventricular fibrillation. Thus there is never a coordinate contraction of all the ventricular muscle at once which is required for cardiac pumping. Patient may complaint of palpitation or symptoms such as dizziness, dyspnoea, fatiguebility ie. Bala, prayatna are reduced.


Pranavrita Samana

Ca.6.28.204 prāṇāvṛte samāne syurjaḍagadgadamūkatāḥ//

– Немота (jaḍa). Хотя Оджха написал «Sharira jadatva».

– Запинки, задержки, заикания в речи (gadgada).

– Заикания (Mukata).

In condition of occlusion of Samana by Prana, there will be scanty or slurring speech, or muteness. 204-204½.


Kampavata PDF:

Dysphagia and drooling of saliva develops due to

impairment of ‘Annapravesha’ i.e, swallowing

function of Prana Vata.[21] Vagbhata explained

swallowing difficulty or Kantarodha as a feature of

Prakupitaudana Vata.[22] Vakpravritti is the function of

Udana [23] assisted by Vyana Vata.[24] Therefore

Vakgraha or Swaragraha results from Kaphavrita

Udana[25] and Vyana[26] and Pranavritasamana.



– Panini has explained that atma alongwith budhi activates the mana with the help of prana. Mana stimulates the kayagni with the help of samana vayu and gives prerna to vayu in upward direction which depending on ashtasthana produces various sounds. Thus vitiation of prana or samana leads to symptoms like gadgad and mukta.

Dysarthria, Mutism is associated with perisylvian region of left hemisphere. Posterior pole being Wernickes area and anterior pole of language is known as Brocas area. An essential function of this area is to transform neural word representation into their articulatory sequences so that words can be uttered in the form of spoken language. Both the poles are interconnected with each other and with additional perisylvian, temporal, prefrontal & posterior parietal regions making up a neural network subserving the various aspects of language function. Damage to any one of these components or to their interconnections can give rise to language disturbances (aphasia)



Chatusprayoga sneha – gives bala to samana.

Yapana – gives bala to prana.


All the four modes of unctuous therapy along with Yapana enema are recommended as treatment.


Chatushprayog sneha i.e. bahya-abhyantar-basti sustaining Enema.


Samanavrita Apana

– Болезни Grahani (duodenum).

– Болезни органов, расположенных в Parshva / hrud gadah – sides of the chest and heart.

– Colic pain in the stomach. Aamshaya shoolam.

(Charaka Chi. 28:205)

Оджха: Samana vayu helps in agni sandukshana also it has role in anna dharana, pachana, vivechana and taking kitta downward.

Samana vayu is agni-samipasta vata prakara. Grahani avayava helps in apakwa ahara dharanaand pakwa ahara is pushed forward in parshwabhag. In samana avrita apana vridha samana does not help in dharana of apakwa ahara. Grahani vyadhi is so called because grahani is unable to do dharana of ahara. As apakwa ahara moves forward parshwa shoola begins.

Due to vitiated samana the number of intermediate metabolites increases and it obstruct gati of apana causing ischemia causing hridroga.



Оджха: Agnideepak ghrita.

ЕА: Dipana sarpi (medicated ghee prepared by boiling it with digestive stimulants) should be given in such conditions.


Pranavrita udana                

– Туго, жестко в голове (кто-то переводит как боль головную) – Shirograha.

– Насморк – Pratishyaya.
– Одышка на вдохе и выдохе, затруднение вдоха и выдоха – Nihshvasa ucchshvasa sangraha.
– Болезни сердца – Hrud roga

– Сухость во рту – Mukha sosha.

(Charaka Chi. 28:206-207)


Role of udana vayu is to give urja, bala, increase prayatna, srotas preenan etc. They get hampered when prana does avarana over udana vayu. The prana vayu has adhogati while udana vayu has urdhwagati does mismatching takes place leading to sangraha of nishwasa and uchshwas.

Failure of control over the immune system leads to autoimmune disorder. The above condition can be seen in rheumatic heart disease and also in allergic rhinitis.


Therapies prescribed for the treatment of the diseases of head & neck should be given, & the patient should be comforted.

Treatment is as indicated in diseases of the parts above the supraclavicular region and also comforting measures. [206 ½ – 207]

Оджха: Treatment – Aashwasan chikitsa



Pranavrita apana


Vomiting, dyspnea (shvasa)

Vasti. Vatanulomana.



Udanavrita prana

The condition of occlusion of Prana by Udana leads to loss of all motor and sensory functions (Karma Kshaya), loss of strength (Bala Kshaya) and complexion (Varna Kshaya), loss of vital essence (Oja Kshaya), and it may result even in death of the patient (Mrityurapi).

This condition should be treated by gradual effusion with cold water (Shanai Shitavarina Sinchayata) and assurance (Ashvasana) and such other measures which may help in restoring the health (Charaka Chi. 28:208).

He is slowly sprinkled with cold water, consoled and comforted. [208- ½ 209]

In such condition cold water should be sprinkled slowly on the person’s body, he should be consoled and comforted.

Bulbar Palsy and pseudo bulbar Palsy = Udanavrita Prana


Udanavrita apana

209-209½. In condition of the occlusion of Apana by Udana, there will occur vomiting, dyspnea and similar other disorders. The treatment therein is enema and similar measures, and diet conducive to regular peristalsis.

If Apana Vayu is occluded by Udana Vata, then there will be vomiting and diseases like Asthma. To such patients, medicated enema (vasti) and such food that would cause vatanulomana, downward movement of Vata, is given. [209 ½ – ½ 210]


Apanavrita udana

Moho – unconsciousness, delusion
Alpa agni – suppression

Atisara – diarrhea

While giving the example Aruna datta mentions that in this condition that strong Udana causes vomiting, dyspnea, cough etc. while due to weak apana there is diminished digestion and diarrhea.
To such patients, emetic therapy, digestive stimulants and astringent ingredients are giving for the downward movement of the wind in the stomach. [210 ½ – ½ 211]


Apanavrita samana

“Gulma: Apanavrita Samaana”. Больше нет данных.


Vyanavrita apana

Vamya – vomiting
Aadhmana – abdominal distension
Udavarta – upward movement of Vata
Gulma – phantom tumor and
Parikartika – cutting pain in the abdomen [211 ½ – ½ 212]

To such patients, unctuous therapies should be given for the downward movement of the Vata present in the stomach in the stomach. Snigdh anulomana.


Apanavrita vyana



Sangrahanam matam

(astringent measure)

212-212½. In condition of occlusion of Vyana by Apana, there occur excessive discharge of feces, urine and semen. There, the treatment indicited is astringent therapy.

Excessive discharge of stool, urine and semen
For such patients, all types of astringents are given. [212 ½- ½ 213]

Некто: «Hrdroga: Apanavrita Vyana and Udana».


Samanavrita vyana

The occlusion of Vyana by Samana leads to manifestations of altered sensorial like fainting (Murcha), drowsiness (Tandra), delirium (Pralapa) and weakness in the limbs (Angasada), loss of strength (BalaKshaya). It is also associated with diminished digestion (Agni Kshaya) and vital essence (Ojo Kshaya). In this condition exercise and light diet are indicated (Charaka Chi. 28:

Udanavrita Vyana


The condition of occlusion of Vyana by Udana leads to rigidity (Stabdata), loss of movement (Chesta Hani) and winking, closure of the eyes (Nimilanam), anhidrosis (Alpa Sweda) and poor digestion (Alpa Agni), Wholesome, measured and light diet should be prescribed to manage this condition (Charaka Chi.28: 214). [214 ½ – ½ 215]


Kampavata PDF:

Udanaavrita Vyana: Sanga which is produced due

to Avaranajanya Nidana causes improper fillings

of Srotas and leads to Riktata of Srotas. As a result

of this Riktata, Vata Prakopa takes place in Srotas.

When Atura takes further Vataprakopaka Ahara

and Vihara (specially Udana Vayu Nidana) that

leads to aggravation of Udana Vayu. This

aggravated Vayu travels through out the whole

body and does Avarana over Vyana Vakaphyu and

produces the Lakshana’s of Udanavrita Vyana


in case of Udanavrita Vyana Vayu Acharya

Charaka [16] mentioned Stabdhata and Chestahani.




Effects of Occlusion

Thus, mutual occlusions of 5 types of Vata is diagnosed from their signs and symptoms in the event of such an occlusion, there is either increase or decreases in occlusion, there is either increase or decrease of the functions (actions) of the particular type of Vayu.
These 8 types of occlusion along with their signs and treatment are described for the proper understanding of intelligent physicians. [215 ½ – ½ 217]

215-215½. By their symptoms one should diagnose the condition of mutual occlusion of these five types of Vata; and it has been laid down that there will occur either the increase or decrease of its actions as the particular type of Vata is affected.

216-216½. Thus have been described in general this octad of the conditions of mutual occlusion along with their symptoms and treatment, in order to aid the understanding of intelligent physicians

Remaining Twelve Types of Occlusions:

After examining the locations and increase as well as decrease of the functions, the remaining 12 types of occlusions are ascertained. For their treatment, massage, drinking of unctuous potions, medicated enema, etc., is used in their entirety. Hot and cold therapies are administered to such patients alternatively. [217 ½ – ½ 219]

217-218½. On investigating the habitat of each type of Vata, as well as the signs of increase or decrease of its functions, the physician should diagnose the remaining twelve conditions of mutual occlusions and should treat them by means of inunction, unctuous potion, enemata and all other procedures, or he may be given cold and hot measures in alternation.

219-220½. (Ниже это будет пересказано другими словами, что сделает все понятнее) The Udana should be regulated upwards [Ojha? wrote that Udana is treated by vamana] and the Apana downwards. The Samana should be sedated and the Vyana should be treated by all the three methods. Even more carefully than the other four types of Vata, the Prana should be maintained, because life depends on the proper maintenance of it in its habitat. Thus, the physician should regulate and establish in their normal habitats the various types of Vata that have been occluded and misdirected.


Treatment principles of Anyonyaavarana (Paraspara Avarana) in general:

In Anyonyaavarana, different varieties of Vata should be directed in their respective direction. Udana Vata should be directed up; Samana Vata should be directed towards lateral direction. Apana Vata should be put back in downward direction where as Vyana Vata should be put back in its normal direction. Prana Vata should be protected despite of, which ever treatment is being planned. Different varieties of Panchakarma treatments are aimed to remove the obstruction and put the specific variety of Vata in its own path (Swamaarga Gati).

Avran: Udana is treated by vamana

Apanvat is treated by anuloman (vasti+virechana)

Samanvat is treated by shaman

Vyanvat is treated by in all the 3 direction treatment

Pranvata is to be protected carefully and continuously as its location in its normal position is most essencial.

Пересказ другими словами, что делает все понятнее:

General line of treatment of five types of Vata Dosha:
For the morbidity of Udana Vata, upward moving therapy (emesis) is administered.
For the morbidity of Apana Vata, downward moving therapy (purgation and medicated enema) is employed.
For the morbidity of Samana Vata, the therapy which causes stability in the abdomen (by alleviation) is used.
For the morbidity of Vyana Vata, all the above mentioned 3 categories of therapies is employed.
Prana Vata is more important than these 4 types of Vata; hence it is protected with priority. Its state of equilibrium helps in the sustence of life.
These Vayus, when occluded, go Astray (move in different channels). Therefore, they are brought to their own habitat. [219 ½ – ½ 221]


Pittavrita Prana

Occlusion of Prana Vata by Pitta:
If Prana Vayu is occluded by Pitta, then this gives rise to
Murcha – fainting
Daha – burning sensation
Bhrama – giddiness
Shoola – colic pain
Vidaha – indigestion и изжога или жжение,
Sheeta kamita – desire for cold things and
Vidagdha chardana – vomiting of undigested food. [221 ½ – ½ 222]

Pittavrita Prana = Minieres disease

Table.2: Showing Symptoms of Pittavrita Prana in Brihatrayee

Sl. No.






Rise to fainting




Burning sensation








Colic pain







Vomiting of undigested food








Kaphavrita Prana Vata

Occlusion of Prana Vayu by Kapha:
Sthivanam – excessive spitting of Saliva
Kshavathu – sneezing
Udgara – eructation
Nihshvasa ucchvasa nigraha – obstruction to inspiration and expiration,
Aruchi – anorexia and
Chardi – vomiting [222 ½- ½ 223]

Table.3: Showing Symptoms of Kaphavrita Prana in Brihatrayee







Excessive spitting of saliva












Obstruction to inspiration & expiration




Anorexia and Vomiting












Body pain






Pittavrita udana

Occlusion of Udana Vata by Pitta
1. fainting,

  1. burning sensation in the umbilical region and chest,
  2. exhaustion,
  3. loss of Ojas (Ojobhramsha),
  4. астения (изнеможение,упадок сил).


(Charaka Chi. 28:223) [223 ½ – ½ 224]


Table 4: Showing Symptoms of Pittavrita Udana in Brihatrayee











Burning sensation in umbilical region and chest








Loss of Ojas






Loss of strength



Burning sensation internally








Kaphavrita udana

Occlusion of Udana Vata by Kapha:
If Udana Vayu is occluded by Kapha, then there will be
Vaivarnyam – discoloration of the skin,
Vak svara graha – obstruction to speech and voice,
Daurbala – weakness and
Guru gatratva – heaviness of the body and
Aruchi – anorexia.

(Charaka Chi. 28: 224).

Из PDF «Кампаватa»:

In case of Kaphavrita Udana Vayu, Acharya Charaka,[13] has mentioned the following Lakshana’s i.e. Vaivarnyata,

Vakaswaragraha, Dourbalyata, Gurugatrata, Aruchi.

Out of all these Lakshana’s, Vakaswaragraha,

Dourbalayata, Gurugatrata are found in Parkinson’s

disease. While Acharya Vagbhata[14] mentioned

Gurugatrata, Aruchi, Vakaswara Graham as a

Lakshanas of Kaphavrita Udana Vayu in Ashtanga


Kaphaavrita Udana: Acharyas have mentioned

that Avarana is produced by some special Nidanas

like Aama, Vegadharana, Marmaghata. Intake of

these Nidanas leads to Sanga at the level of

Srotas, due to which there is improper filling of Srotas beyond the Sanga. As a result of improper filling, there is formation of Riktata in the Srotas which leads to Vata Prakopa. At that time when Atura further continuously takes Vatakara Ahara along with Kaphakara Ahara that causes further vitiation of Vata Dosha and Kapha Dosha. Then vitiated Kapha takes Sthana Samshraya in Jatru

Urdhav Bhaga, Urahapradesha where this vitiated

Kapha cause Avarana over Udana Vayu. As

Urahapradesha is considered as a Sthana for

Udana Vayu, hence produces the Lakshana’s of

Kapha Avrita Udana Vata.

Kampavata PDF:

Dysphagia and drooling of saliva develops due to

impairment of ‘Annapravesha’ i.e, swallowing

function of Prana Vata.[21] Vagbhata explained

swallowing difficulty or Kantarodha as a feature of

Prakupitaudana Vata.[22] Vakpravritti is the function of

Udana [23] assisted by Vyana Vata.[24] Therefore

Vakgraha or Swaragraha results from Kaphavrita

Udana[25] and Vyana[26] and Pranavritasamana.


Table 5: Showing Symptoms of Kaphavrita Udana in Brihatrayee

Sl. No.






Discolouration of skin




Obstruction of speech & voice








Heaviness of body








Absence of sweating






Excessive cold feeling in the body



Diminished digestive power



Pittavrita samana

Occlusion of Samana Vata by Pitta:
Ati sveda – excessive sweating
Ati trsha – thirst,
Daha – burning sensation
Murchha – fainting,
Aruchi – anorexia and
loss of body- heat. (Charaka Chi. 28 :225-225½)

[ 225 ½ – ½ 226]

Table 6: Showing Symptoms of Pittavrita Samana in Brihatrayee

Sl. No.






Excessive sweating









Burning sensation












Loss of body heat




Excessive body heat




Kaphavrita samana

Occlusion of Samana Vayu by Kapha:
Asveda – absence of sweating
Vahni mandya – suppression of the power of digestion
Loma harsha – horriplation and
Ati shitata – feeling of excessive cold in the body. excessive coldness of the limbs (Gatranam Ati Shitata), [Charaka Chi. 226 ½ – 227]

Table 7: Showing Symptoms of Kaphavrita Samana in Brihatrayee

Sl. No.






Absence of sweating




Suppression of digestive power








Excess cold feeling in the body




Elimination of urine & faeces mixed with Kapha



Pittavrita vyana

Obstruction of Vyana Vayu by Pitta

По ЧС и АХС:

exhaustion (Sarvanga Klama),

loss of the movement of limbs or loss of movement and tremor (Gati Vikshepa Sanga)

temperature (Santapa),

pain (Vedana)

burning sensation (Daha) all over the body

(Charaka Chi. 28:227& Ashtanga.Hri.16: 43).

А тут чуть по-другому, т.к. лишь по ЧС, но суть та же:

Sarvanga daha – burning sensation all over the body,
Klamah – exhaustion and
Gatra vikshepa – arrest of the mobility in different parts of the body accompanied with burning sensation and pain. [227 ½ – ½ 228]

Axonopathy = Pittavrita vyana

Certain stages of Gullain Barre syndrome = Pittavrita vyana

Table 8: Showing Symptoms of Pittavrita Vyana in Brihatrayee

Sl. No.






Burning sensation all over the body










Arrest of the mobility of in different parts of the body accompanied with burning sensation & pain





Kaphavrita Vyana

Severe restriction of movement (Gati Sanga/Chesta Stamba, Gatrastambha),

Vakgraha (Difficulty in speech),

heaviness in the body (Gurugatrata, Guruta Sarva Gatranam),

severe loss of motor power (Skalitam Cha Gatau Brisham), pain and stiffness in all the bones and joints (Sarva Sandhi Asthi Ruja/Stamba).

(Charaka Chi. 28:228, Ashtanga Sam.Ni.16: 42,Sushruta Ni.1: 39).


Kampavata PDF:

Cheshtastambha, Skalitagati and Adhikagatisanga described as Kaphavritavyana Vata Lakshana explains bradykinesia and akinesia of Parkinson’s disease.


Dysphagia and drooling of saliva develops due to

impairment of ‘Annapravesha’ i.e, swallowing

function of Prana Vata.[21] Vagbhata explained

swallowing difficulty or Kantarodha as a feature of

Prakupitaudana Vata.[22] Vakpravritti is the function of

Udana [23] assisted by Vyana Vata.[24] Therefore

Vakgraha or Swaragraha results from Kaphavrita

Udana[25] and Vyana[26] and Pranavritasamana.

Kaphaavrita Vyana: Consumption of Avaranjanya

Nidanas like Aama, Vegadharna, Marmaghata

leads to Sanga at the level of Srotas, due to Sanga

of Srotas there is improper filling of Srotas beyond

the Sanga. Improper filling of Srotas leads to the

formation of Riktata in Srotas which aggravates

the Vata in Srotas. At that time when Atura

further continued intake of Vatakara Ahara along

with Kaphakara Ahara that causes further

vitiation of Vata Dosha and Kapha Dosha

simultaneously. Vitiated Kapha travels through

out the whole body and this vitiated Kapha does

Avarana over Vyana Vata and leads to the condition of Kaphavrita Vyana Vata and produces its Lakshana.

Из второго:

Avarana of Vyanavata by Kapha can be considered for

the later stages where in there is marked postural

instability along with weakness of body. Here, the

Nidana assimilate to bring about Vataprakopa

leading to Udhirana of Pitta and Kapha to various Sthanas. This leads to the formation Avarana of

Vyanavata by Kapha. This later leads to the

Rasadhidhatu Shoshana and manifests as Kaphavrita


The complete manifestation of Parkinson’s disease is

characterized by resting tremors along with being bed

ridden or wheel chair bound. The Kampavata

Lakshanas like Kampa all over the body leading to

restless nights and making the person emaciated can

be considered as the complete manifestation for

Parkinson’s disease.

Nidana leads to the Dhatukshaya Avastha wherein

there is Vataprakopa. The Vriddhi involved here is

that of Vyanavata. This circulates through Rasayanis leading to the manifestation of Kampavata.

Cheshtastambha, Skalitagati,

Adhikagatisanga described as Kaphavritavyana Vata

Lakshana explains bradykinesia and akinesia of Parkinson’s disease.

А также:

Опыт излечения – см. два ПДФ «Лечение капхаврита-вьяны GBSyndrome»

Table 9: Showing Symptoms of Kaphavrita Vyana in Brihatrayee

Sl. No.






Heaviness all over the body





Pain in all joints & bones





Excessive loss of mobility




Great impairment in walking




Pain in speaking



Kaphavrita Vyana = Certain stages of Gullain Barre syndrome

Kaphavrita Vyana = Axonal demyelinating poly neuropathy

Лечение: в папке о паркинсонизме полно, т.к. он часто вызван капхаврита-вьяной. Особенно, см. там в файлах о «кампавате».


Pittavrita apana


yellow discoloration of urine and feces,

sensation of heat in the anus and phallus

menorrhagia (excessive flow of mensus in case of women) (Charaka Chi.28: 229 ½- ½ 230)


(А это можно рассмотреть лишь потому, что этому источнику м доверять: in Pittavrita Apana Vata, the change in the colour of faeces, the symptoms like burning sensation in the organs that lie in the Pakvasaya which are indicative of Pitta, whereas difficulties in defecation like pain are representative of Apana Vayu kopa).


Table 10: Showing Symptoms of Pittavrita Apana in Brihatrayee

Sl. No.






Yellow coloration of Urine & Stool




Sensation of heat in anus & phallus









Burning sensation



Excessive body heat



Kaphavrita apana

Kampavata PDF:

‘Mutra and Shakrita Pravartana’ loss or inability to pass urine orbowels is the presentation of Kaphavrita apana

Vata. [33] This explains the constipation, sphincter

dysfunction and erectile dysfunction resulting out of

autonomic dysfunction in Parkinsonism.

Charaka Chi. 28: 230-230½. In condition of occlusion of Apana by Kapha, there occur stools that are loose, heavy and mixed with undigested matter and mucus and discharge of urine mixed with mucus.

If Apana Vata is occluded by Kapha, then the patient will void stool which is loose, mixed with Ama (mucus or undigested food) and heavy. There will be Kaphaja Meha (obstinate urinary disorders caused by Kapha). [230 ½ – ½ 231]

Table 11: Showing Symptoms of Kaphavrita Apana in Brihatrayee

Sl. No.






Voids loose stool mixed with Ama




Heaviness in lowerbody


Multiple sclerosis = Kaphavrita apana


Apanavrita Prana


Moha, alpa-agni, atisara


Лечение: Vaman, dipan, grahi (astringent diet)


Apanavrita Prana = Siroroga, Drshti vaikalyam (нарушения зрения)


Occlusion by Both Pitta and Kapha:
When any one of these varieties of Vata is occluded by both Pitta and Kapha together, then the wise physician should ascertain this condition from the signs and symptoms of both Pitta and Kapha as described before. [231 ½ -1/2 232]

231-231½. On observing the combined symptoms of Pitta and Kapha, the learned physician should diagnose it as a condition of combined occlusion

Location of Pitta and Kapha in the Habitat of Vata:
If Pitta and Kapha get located in the habitats of Vata, then this causes manifestation of various disorders, characteristic of each one or both of them. [232 ½ – ½ 233]

232-232½. If the two other humors get located in the places described as the habitats of Vata, they manifest various symptoms of disorders characteristic of each of them.

Serious Conditions

233-234½. Medical authorities regard, as most serious, the condition of occlusion of Prana or Udana by Kapha and Pitta combined, because life is particularly dependent on Prana, and vitality on Udana; and occlusion of them, will result in loss of life and vitality.

235-235½. If all these conditions are either undiagnosed or neglected for longer than a year, they become either incurable or formidable.

236-236½. As a result of the neglect of these conditions of occlusions, there occur complications such as cardiac disorders, abscesses, splenic disorders, Gulma and diarrhea.

237-237½. Therefore, the physician should diagnose the condition of occlusion of the five types of Vata, by Vata, Pitta or Kapha.

Similarly any subtype of vayu can block or meddle with the smooth functioning of other subtype of vayu. The disturbances or morbidity will be presented by the dominating or most vitiated sub-type of vata which is causing the obstruction. The above mentioned examples of Avaranas are only for the sake of understanding.

* * *



Doshaja Avarana


When a peculiar Dosha is obstructed by another Dosha i.e. it will result in aggravated symptoms of that Dosha. But the Dosha which gets obstructed by the other shows decline in its normal functions.

Лечение (аварана-чикитса) осуществляется следующим:

– Anabhishyandi (which do not cause obstruction to srotas),

– Snigdha (unctuous),

– Srotoshuddhikara (helps in cleaning of body channels).

При аврита-вате, которая аврита во всех ее обиталищах (habitats, locations), prompt administration of therapies which are not opposed (are not antagonistic) to Kapha and Pitta (KaphaPitta Aviruddham) but which cause downward movement of Vayu (Vatanulomanam) is beneficial.


Лечение, понижающее питту (pittaghna) and not antagonistic to Vata. (похоже, речь о vatanulomana, ибо ниже сказано «but also vatanulomana»).


Лечение, понижающее капху (kaphaghna), but also vatanulomana.

Yapana Vasti prepared from sweet drugs (madhuradrvya) accompanied with Anuvasana Vasti is useful.

For strong patient mild laxative (Mrudu Virechanam) is also beneficial.

Administration of all types of rasayanas (в пдф привели здесь еще rasona, eranda, gokshura, bhallataka, pippali), shilajitu & guggulu along with milk is useful.


Chyavanprasha с диетой на молоке (именно питание молоком имеется в виду, сверил разные версии).


Лечение апанаврит

– Agni Deepanam.

– Astringent (Grahi).

– Vatanulomana.

– Pakvashaya shodhana (medicines which cleanse the colon should be given).


Лечение прочих аврит

For other avaranas the physician himself should use his own yukti-pramana (discretion) to find out the details of treatment and adopt it by keeping the basic rule of chikitsa in mind.


Самой тяжелой авараной следует считать такую, когда прану либо удану одолели сразу и питта, и капха (т.е. имеется в виду питта-капха-аврита-прана либо питта-капха-аврита-удана). Потому что от праны зависит жизнь, а от уданы сила, жизненность (strength, vitality).




72-74. Dislocation, lock-jaw, contracture, hunch-back, facial paralysis, hemiplegia, atrophy of a part, paraplegia, arthritis, stiffness, rheumatic conditions and disorders due to occlusion of Vata in the marrow; these, on account of their deep-seated nature, may or may not be cured even after careful treatment. The physician should endeavour to cure such of these conditions as occur in strong persons and as are of recent origin and unassociated with any complications.

Ca.6.28.72 sandhicyutirhanustambhaḥ kuñcanaṃ kubjatā+arditaḥ//

Ca.6.28.73 &ekṣāghāto+aṅgasaṃśoṣaḥ paṅgutvaṃ khuḍavātatā/

stambhanaṃ cāḍhyavātaśca rogā majjāsthigāśca ye//

Ca.6.28.74 ete sthānasya gāmbhīryādyatnāt sidhyanti vā ca vā/

navān balavatastvetān sādhayennirupadravān//


Этот 198-й уже сверил с тремя:

Treatment of Doshas Located in Their Own Habitat:

  1. A morbid humor, while in its natural habitat, develops great strength; hence it should be first subdued by suitable medications such as emesis, purgation, enemata or alleviation (śamanena).


Ca.6.28.198 svasthānastho balī doṣaḥ prāk taṃ svairauṣadhairjayet/

vamanairvā virekairvā bastibhiḥ śamanena vā//

Ca.6.28.199 (&ityuktamāvṛte vāte pittādibhiryathāyatham/) mārutānāṃ hi pañcānāmanyonyāvaraṇe śṛṇu//


А это продолжение можно добавить-разложить:

AshtangaSangraham, Nidanasthana:

bhramo mūrchā rujā dāhaḥ pittena prāṇa āvṛte | § 9154 AS.ni.16.44

vidagdhe ‘nne ca vamanamudāne vibhramādayaḥ ||

dāho ‘ntarūrjābhraṃśaśca dāho vyāne tu sarvagaḥ | AS.ni.16.45

klamo ‘ṅgaceṣṭāsaṅgaśca santāpaḥ sahavedanaḥ ||

AS.ni.16.46 samāna uṣmopahatiratisvedo ‘ratiḥ satṛṭ | § 9158

dāhaśca syādapāne tu male hāridravarṇatā || § 9159

AS.ni.16.47 rujo ‘tivṛddhistāpaśca yonimehanapāyuṣu || § 9160 5

AS.ni.16.48 śleṣmaṇā tvāvaṛte prāṇe sādastandrārucirvamiḥ | § 9161

ṣṭhīvanakṣavathūdgāraniśvāsocchvāsasaṅgrahaḥ || § 9162

AS.ni.16.49 udāne gurugātratvamarucirvāksvaragrahaḥ | § 9163

balavarṇapraṇāśaśca vyāne parvāsthivāggrahaḥ ||

AS.ni.16.50 gurutāṅgeṣu sarveṣu skhalitaṃ ca gatau bhṛśam | § 9165

samāne ‘tihimāṅgatvamasvedo mandavahnitā || § 9166

AS.ni.16.51 apāne sakaphaṃ mūtraśakṛtoḥ syāt pravartanam |

iti dvāviṃśatividhaṃ vāyorāvaraṇaṃ viduḥ || § 9168 15

AS.ni.16.52 prāṇādayastathānyonyamāvṛṇvanti yathākramam | § 9169

sarvepi viṃśatividhaṃ vidyādāvaraṇaṃ ca tat || § 9170

AS.ni.16.53 niśvāsocchvavāsasaṃrodhaḥpratiśyāyaḥśirograhaḥ | § 9171

hṛdrogo mukhaśoṣaśca prāṇenodāna āvṛte || § 9172

AS.ni.16.54 udānenāvṛte prāṇe varṇaujobalasaṅkṣayaḥ | § 9173 20

diśānayā ca vibhajet sarvamāvaraṇaṃ bhiṣak || § 9174

AS.ni.16.55 sthānānyavekṣya vātānāṃ vṛddhiṃ hāniṃ ca karma-

ṇām | prāṇādīnāṃ ca pañcānāṃ miśramāvaraṇaṃ mithaḥ ||

AS.ni.16.56 pittādibhirdvādaśabhirmiśrāṇāṃ miśritaiśca taiḥ |

miśraiḥ pittādibhistadvanmiśraṇābhiranekadhā || § 9178

AS.ni.16.57 tāratamyavikalpācca yātyāvṛtirasaṅkhyatām | § 9179

tāṃ lakṣayedavahito yathāsvaṃ lakṣaṇodayāt || § 9180 30

AS.ni.16.58 śanaiśśanaiścopaśayād gūḍhāmapi muhurmuhuḥ |

viśeṣājjīvitaṃ prāṇa udāno balamucyate || § 9182

AS.ni.16.59 syāttayoḥ pīḍanāddhānirāyuṣaśca balasya ca || § 9183

AS.ni.16.60 āvṛtā vāyavo ‘jñātā jñātā vā vatsaraṃ sthitāḥ | § 9184 35

prayatnenāpi duḥsādhyā bhaveyurvānupakramāḥ ||

AS.ni.16.61 vidradhiplīhahṛdrogagulmāgnisadanādayaḥ | § 9186